我们很自豪地与你分享这一点 迈阿密戴德县立博中文版我们的时事通讯董事会 awarded a Proclamation to 立博中文版 on May 19, 2021, for its more than 35 years of outst和ing commitment, 慷慨的捐赠, 和 continued support to the students of Miami-Dade County Public Schools.
—Dr. Marta Pérez, Miami-Dade School Board Member District 8
决议没有. 迈阿密戴德县立博中文版我们的时事通讯董事会21-020号, 佛罗里达, RECOGNIZING THE EDUCATION FUND FOR OVER THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OF OUTSTANDING COMMITMENT, 慷慨的捐赠, 继续支持m - dps的学生
而, 立博中文版 raises 和 invests funds in our schools, already totaling more than $64 million for our district’s public schools, 并将捐赠的教室和家庭用品分发给在立博中文版会海洋银行教材中心免费购买教材的教师, 已经超过16美元了.500万美元的物资受益.2+ million students; 和
而, 立博中文版的COVID-19救援工作, 在短短一年的时间里, 包括3美元的分配.700万捐赠物资给245人,262名M-DCPS学生, 家庭, 和 teachers as part of an exp和ed 3-pronged effort including 1) Teacher Drive-Thru’s, 2)向立博中文版我们的时事通讯运送物资, 和 3) 合作伙伴关系 with non-profits serving; 和
而, 立博中文版 has partnered with M-DCPS Department of Food & 营养和科学部(全国首个建立食物森林和食用花园的倡议), Division of Academics (operating the Idea EXPO –Teacher Conference), 视觉系 & Performing Arts (hosts art workshops for teachers 和 an annual student art exhibition & charity auction to encourage student artists), Department of Career & 技术教育(每年为超过25所初中和高中的数百名学生提供The 教育的味道的烹饪职业经验), Department of Social Studies (supporting h和s-on “action-civics” education), 课程部 & 教育转型(作为整合大学预科和职业准备的国家示范项目的一部分,将大学入学率提高了34%), Department of Instructional Technology (provided 10,000+ needy students 和 their 家庭 with refurbished desktop computers), 和 the Office of Professional Development (created, 资助, 和 facilitated the Superintendent’s Urban Principal Initiative (SUPI)); 和
而, 立博中文版利用美国志愿队的志愿者建立了该地区第一个主要的一对一阅读项目, 叫做美国志愿队,戴德读物!, 每年提供超过25个,000 volunteer hours to help elementary school students, 谁的免费/减价午餐比例平均为98%, with outcomes showing 70%+ of students significantly improved their reading skills, 和
而, 立博中文版通过其过去的工作和重大的持续努力清楚地表明,它是支持和改善迈阿密戴德公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯的一个组成部分,以确保所有孩子都有机会充分发挥他们的潜力并取得成功.
现在, 因此, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 迈阿密戴德县立博中文版我们的时事通讯董事会, 佛罗里达, 批准第号决议. 迈阿密戴德县立博中文版我们的时事通讯董事会第21-020号决议, 佛罗里达, recognizing 立博中文版 for over thirty-five years of outst和ing commitment, 慷慨的捐赠, 和 continued support to the students of Miami-Dade County Public Schools. A copy of this resolution is placed in the permanent records of this Board.
五月十九日,A.D. 2021